What Our Members and Visitor's are Saying!
Greater Concord Missionary Baptist Church

·       Thank you for the uplifting message for the New Year. (Jan. 5, 2020)

 ·       The message today was so inspiring to the Deaconess, and everyone, we The Deaconess do this every 1st Sunday, I Corinthians, 11:23-24, Thank you Pastor, The Seriousness & Significance of The Lord's Supper.       (Jan. 5, 2020)

  • Wow what a Powerful message thank you Pastor Hill. (Jan. 5, 2020)

 ·       Grater Concord Missionary Baptist Church is were you will get a great understanding of the word of God and a great teaching Church and also a great Fellowship so if you're looking for a good church home please come on and stop by you would love it hope to see you soon.

 ·       I'll tell you what I know, Pastor Cullian W. Hill will teach and preach the word of GOD the way it should be taught and preached. Our Pastor will not sugar coat the word, He will give you the word so you can grasp it. Just come and hear.

 ·       Our pastor preaches Truth! Directly from the Bible. If you want to learn God's word the right way then this is where you should be.

 ·       Woo look forward to it unable to make to sunrise service.

 ·       Great Church to attend. Where the Word is Preached.