Inspirational Reflections from

Pastor, Cullian Hill

Greater Concord Missionary Baptist Church


·       The Supper is the most important ordinance in the Missionary Baptist Church. (1.5.20)


·       God is sufficient, if we put our trust in Him!!! He took care of David and He will do the same for you. If He is your Lord and Savior. (12.28.19)


·       The Church where Preaching takes place. Dr. Hill


·       Come and hear the next thought. Eph. 6:17-21 The Shield of Faith. Don't miss your Blessings. Pastor Hill


·       The Church where Preaching takes place. Singing is inspirational, Prays are most important. Come and worship with us. Pastor Hill


·       Great Church to attend. Where the Word is Preach. Don't miss next Sunday. Be there at 10:30. Come anticipating to meet Jesus. Pastor Hill.


·       The Church that believes in God and His Word. Join us. Pastor Hill


·       Where preaching and worship takes place and God is the center. Come and join us 10:30 each Sunday pastor Hill

·       We need your life in our Church, Come Sunday at 10:30 and receive your blessings. Pastor Hill

·       Surviving A Spiritual Dry Spell/Dessert Isaiah 35:3-7

·       The Church that believes in God and His Word. Join us. Pastor Hill

·       The Difficulties of Walking With God, Dr. Cullian W. Hill, Pastor

·       Matthew 11:28-30 He won't turn you down!

·       You will never be disappointed in Jesus

·       If you get just a taste of Jesus, you'll see what's missing in your life.

·       II Kings 4:1-7
The mother who struck oil at home
Preached by Pastor Cullian W. Hill

·       Wounds, bruises, and peace

·       Isaiah 53:5
Dr. Cullian W. Hill

·       Matthew 6:25-34
The Beatitudes A Recipe for Worry-Free Living

·       I Peter 1:3-7
Reasons To Praise The Lord
,      Preached by: Cullian W. Hill

·       A Recipe for Worry-Free Living
Matthew 6:25-34

In 2017, live worry free. In one week, our newly elected President has driven millions of people, most of the world, into anxiety. America, in one week, is almost a country without a friend. When we look at all of this, our country is almost paralyzed with worry.

In our text, the writer is saying don't worry. Don't let the government be your master. Verse 24 tells us you can not serve two masters. The text is Jesus' Sermon on the Mount of Olive. He tells us to take no thought for the morrow.

We have to learn how to depend on Him. Don't put your values in clothes, food, material things. It creates anxiety. God will take care of His people. He knows what we need. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." The recipe is Jesus! God will take care of you.


·       When Peace Finally Comes, Isaiah 35:1-10
Matthew 11:2-6 God made a way for burdens to be lifted. We don't have to live in misery. We must trust God. Peace arrived when Christ was born. We have comfort and joy. We have been delivered through Christ.

·       The Church that believes in God and His Word.



Dr. Cullian W. Hill, Pastor