The MESSAGE for July 23, 2023
Is There Not A Cause
Psalm 38:1-21
Live Broadcast
By: Pastor, Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill
Greater Concord Missionary Baptist Church


Today, as tens of thousands, lay sick of the pandemic virus, the question is "Is there not a cause?" These words were spoken by a young, fresh-faced lad who had left the sheep fold and had come down to the front line of Israel's battle at daggers drawn. David's brothers accused him of idle curiosity, of shiftless irresponsibility; they accused him of all kinds of evil motives, and scarcely gave him the time of day for the fresh-baked food he had brought to them from home. David asked them the question: "Is there not a cause?" Of course, there was a cause!


Hours later the Philistine giant lay dead on a hill. Goliath of Gath is dead. The cause is not always so evident, especially when it comes to sickness. Sickness brought on by sin.


This Psalm may be speaking to the world. Is there not a cause for this pandemic virus? Of course, there is. More often than not, sickness is caused simply and solely by disease. It is part of the common lot of mankind in this world. God may or may not heal it in answer to prayer. David was suffering under the stroke of God for his flagrant sin with Bathsheba and for his murder of Uriah. There are consequences for our sins. When we start playing with sin, we don't think of the consequences later. The world has sinned against God and God's principles. The world has stirred up the anger of God's wrath and no doubt; that's the condition in which the world finds itself; is the direct results of God's judicial dealings with His world. This world has forgotten that God said, "Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Payday may be postponed for a time, but it always comes.


Today, the question must be asked: Is there not a cause for this corona virus? I'm sure that this world is well aware that God has fearful weapons He can bring against the bodies of those who refuse to listen to Him in the matter of morality. Today this world is disgusted, distressed, disturbed about this disease. This just may be the divine anger of God! This world's sins have come home to roost. This world is in a state of social desertion. David cries out how his friends and foes have left him. He says, "My lovers and friends stand aloof from my sore; and my kinsmen stand afar off." The question was; what kind of disease was it in the land of Israel which set a man apart from family and friends?


During David's time it was leprosy. No doubt David had become a leper, or so it seems. He states, "My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore." This corona virus has caused friends and family to stand aloof from each other. It has brought social distance. We must, "this world", do as David did; go to God in serious prayer. The God of creation, the one who created the universe can move on the mind of an individual and bring about the cure. This world must cry out to God and ask Him not to forsake us; make haste to help us. You are our only help! Is there not a cause? Of course, there was! Is there not a cause for this corona virus? Of course, there is? You are our only hope.



Pastor, Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill