Lenten Message  - March 17,2021
Representatives At the Cross
Matthew 27:35-37
By: Pastor, Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill
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Tonight we come to amplify and magnify the cross. The cross, a place of contrasts. The cross, the place of love and judgment, the place of grace and law. The place of salvation and sins, the place where man did his worst and God did His best. Two thousand twenty-one years ago, who were the representatives at the cross? Who was there?

The Representatives of the Earthly Government were there. Matthew 27:27 said the soldiers were there, the political leaders were there. At that time, crucifixions were routine to the soldiers. The Roman government believed in capital punishment. So they, the Representatives, made light of Jesus. The stripped Him, put a scarlet robe on Him; they platted a crown of thorns and put it on His head and a reed in His right hand; they mocked Him, saying, King of the Jews! They gambled for His garments. O yes, Pilate was there: frustrated, compromising and angry. The governmental leaders were confused about Jesus. They didn’t know who to believe. But someday, the government will be upon His shoulder (Isaiah 9:6-7). Who was there?

The Representatives of Social Failure were there (verse 38). “Then there were two thieves crucified with Him.” Something had gone wrong in the lives of these thieves. The high hopes of their parents and others, their own early hopes and dreams, the efforts of society to keep them straight; but something had gone wrong in their lives. They became thieves.

Yes, the Representatives of organized religion were there. Verse 41 - “Likewise also the chief priests mocking Him, with the scribes and elders.” Church folk were present. Their religion was nothing but an outward show trying to impress people. But instead, His power broke their power.

Tonight, I must admit, the Representatives of all backsliders were there also (Matthew 26:69-75). As we are aware, Peter was there and no one has ever backslidden any further than Peter. He sat without in the balance. “I know not what thou sayest.” Cursing and swearing. I know not the man. The one who said I will die with you, the one that cut off the man’s ear. Yet he denied Jesus. It can happen!

Yes, even the Representatives of the brokenhearted were present (John 19:25-27). Mary, His mother; His mother’s sister was there; Mary the wife of Cleophas was there; and Mary Magdalene was there, surely the brokenhearted was there. They stood by, they did not take a seat! They stood there – hearts broken, but they stood. Most would have fallen apart, but these had what it took. They had inner strength!

Well, Facebook friends and Greater Concord Missionary Baptist Church, all people were represented at the cross. No one was left out. So as we keep marching toward Calvary, the world has no excuse: Jesus came to give His life a ransom for all. All His Life He walked the Calvary Road. Our sins took Him to the Cross. This was why He came into the world. There was a common reaction to the Calvary Road (Matthew 16:22-23). Peter didn’t want to hear about the cross. The world would like to find another way. The world would like to find a code of conduct that would save. Religion would like to find a religious ceremony that would cleanse from sin. But only the cross can reveal our sinful condition. Only His Blood can wash our sins away (Revelation 1:5). Religion cannot save: ONLY JESUS SAVES!

Tonight the call is being made for the Calvary Road (Matthew 16:24-27). The Calvary Road is the road of surrender (Philippians 2:5-8). Jesus became obedient unto the death of the cross. The Calvary Road is a road of sacrifice (Matthew 16:24-26). The Calvary Road is a road of service (Matthew 16:27). Thank God for the road He walked. From the Manger to the Cross! Greater Concord Missionary Baptist Church and Facebook friends, all of you that are listening to me, I came tonight to amplify and magnify the cross. The place of contrasts! The place of love! God so loved the world! The place of judgment. Calvary judged sin. The place of salvation. “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” The place where mankind was at its worst. They crucified God’s only Son, the Savior of the world. But God was at His best at Calvary. O yes He was! Praise His holy name. No greater love than this that a man lay down His life for His friend. O thank God for the cross. We have no excuse; we were all represented in one group or the other. Tonight could be your night if you will accept Him.

Pastor, Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill

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