How to Experience Happiness
Matthew 5:3

By Dr. Cullian W. Hill

For the last three months this world has experience a lot of unhappiness. COVID-19. Things as usual were changed by COVID-19. You could not attend church, you could not go to the bars, night clubs, restaurants, beaches, movies, malls, vacations, ball games; no sports at all and many other activities. In other words, this world has experienced major unhappiness, if your happiness was wrapped up in those things, and it’s nothing wrong at all with those, but; there is something that can help you better enjoy those.

The Word of God says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:3) When Jesus spoke these words, He was not saying that wealth was wrong because poverty can drive a person to dishonesty. Being poor does not mean that you are spiritually superior. Jesus was saying that you need to know yourself; you need to know your spiritual condition. When COVID-19 hit, many individuals did not know their spiritual condition. Their success and prosperity caused them to be self-satisfied and proud. It’s bad not to know your spiritual condition. Poverty in spirit is the beginning of happiness. If you want to experience happiness, know your spiritual needs. Samson did not know his spiritual condition. When he was standing in the valley of Zorek, he did not know the Lord was not with him. When COVID-19 struck, many did not have the Lord with them. So many are confused, frustrated, lonely, and bent out of shape because they had to stay home in order to be safe. Many were not poor in spirit. Many have not practiced humility. If you want happiness try Jesus. It takes more than self -ambition to be happy. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the key. As children depend upon their parents to take care of them, people need to rely upon the Holy Spirit to take care of them. The Bible says, Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

When life falls apart and pandemic strikes, the unexpected shows up, you want to fall apart. O praise His Holy Name! COVID-19 is not over yet. It might get worse before it gets better. So humble yourself and come to Jesus while you have time. The door is open. He is the way, the truth and the light. (John 14:6; John 8:12) You can’t get to the Father unless you come by Jesus. Come to Him today.

-Pastor, Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill



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