Wednesday Night Bible Lesson
His Triumphant Entry
Matthew 21:1-22


TO NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! Greater Concord Missionary Baptist Church, Sunday, Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, Resurrection Sunday, Greater Concord MBC will be thirty nine years old!

This anniversary will never be forgotten! The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has caused churches, businesses, and government to be closed down. April 12, 2020, Easter Sunday, the church at 4500 East Davison, Detroit, MI 48212 will be closed due to Corona Virus (COVID-19). The building is closed but not the church. O praise His Holy Name! Sunrise Service at 6:00 a.m. at the building will not take place; but at 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunday morning we can all pray. We can't have breakfast at Bob Evans, but we can all pray. O praise His Holy Name! We will celebrate our thirty ninth anniversary in an unusual way. On this thirty-ninth anniversary we will commemorate the home-going of Dr. O'Neil D. Swanson.

Our church, Greater Concord MBC had it's humble beginning at Dr. O'Neil D. Swanson's Funeral Home on the Boulevard March 29, 1981. O what a blessing! Thirty-nine years later, from that humble beginning, thanks to Dr. Swanson for his agape love, we are where we are today, in a super complex. Dr. O'Neil Swanson did our Tenth Church Anniversary, April 7, 1991. His subject was: "Celebrate the Victory!", II Kings 7:8-11.

Now, Greater Concord, if the Bible be true, and it is; "All things work together for the good," the building is closed, but I hear the Word saying that, "the gates of hell shall not" destroy the church. At this moment, we may be cast down but we are not knocked out. Let us celebrate at home, knowing that we will be back for number forty! To God be the glory! Number 39, Pastor Cullian W. Hill.

Greater Concord, last Sunday, we could not have church in our building due to the virus on Palm Sunday, the Sunday that Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Jerusalem was filled with jubilation two thousand twenty years ago. Visitors filled the city to capacity. News spread swiftly among the crowds that Jesus was coming. He was about to march triumphantly into Jerusalem. Expectation was fanned to a fever pitch and a great multitude went forth to meet Him. Even to this day, Palm Sunday is still being celebrated with excitement. The Pharisees lives were filled with bitterness, jealousy and hatred. They hated Jesus for no reason at all, but combining meekness and majesty, He rode in! The crowd shouting Hosanna, (save now), the shouts rang out across the valley. They asking, "Who is this?" The Lord's triumphal entry shook Jerusalem, morally, and spiritually from end to end. The Jewish authorities were enraged. After arriving, Jesus goes into the temple and found them again profaning it. They had made the temple a "den of thieves". The bad thing, the Priest sanction the commercialization of that part of the court. The granting of concessions to merchants and moneychangers was financially rewarding to the Jews. (You know, judgement must begin at the house of God. I Peter 4:17) In the temple, the Lord cast out those who bought and sold. He overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and threw over the seats of them that sold doves. (Matthew 21:12) "It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer: but you have made it a den of thieves." They had turned the hallowed courts into an unholy caver where brigands squabbled over their ill-gotten gains. On Palm Sunday, the sanctuary was cleansed again.

Greater Concord, this Sunday, Easter Sunday, we will celebrate our thirty-ninth Church Anniversary. God has blessed us with a beautiful sanctuary, let us not profane it! We must always remember that it is the house of prayer. Always enter it with reverence knowing that God is observing us. We never want God to be displeased with what takes place in the house of prayer. This house has been dedicated for worship! Praise His Holy Name! Some leaders, now must have dancers, shouters and jumpers; turn to your neighbor and high five; but we must remember that this is a place for worship. Last Sunday, Palm Sunday, Jesus cleansed the temple out! Here at Greater Concord MBC, we must always be conscious that God is always present. Yes, we might not be able to see one another physically, but we will rejoice anyway! Remember that the church house is where hearts are changed. We will never forget that number thirty-nine, we could not come to 4500 East Davison, Detroit, MI 48212, where our church building is. Pastor Hill




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