God Specializes in Impossibilities
Exodus 14:21

The Message for Sunday, September 20, 2020

By: Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill, Pastor

As I come to us today, it is my privilege to inform us concerning the condition that America is in. Our country is in chaos, confusion, frustration and brokenness. Broken homes, broken lives, broken marriages, broken relationships and discontentment. So the question is: Is there anyone that specializes in impossibilities? Our country is malignant with social, economic, educational and spiritual problems and we need a specialist in grave matters to solve these problems.

Our major problem today is America’s government. It’s in shambles, chaos, discontentment; confusion everywhere. This country is at the point of no return. It’s now or never!

Facebook friends, we can, in the name of Jesus Christ, turn this situation around. Our country is on the verge of collapsing from within. The present governmental officials are corrupt, and has destroyed the American way of life. Democracy is on its way out and if President Trump is re-elected there will be an autocratic government and I believe, mostly communistic views put into our government. Now, many people believe that President Donald J. Trump cannot be beat in this election! Many white Americans support President Trump’s views in hate, bigotry, racism and America being run only by white Americans. When President Trump says, “Make America Great Again”; that’s what the statement means.
Now some blacks have decided to support that ism. The GOP operatives have decided to put Kanye West on the Iowa ballot for President, to divert votes from Joe Biden. Young people, don’t fall for it. We, as a race of people know that he forgets to take his medication from time to time. Former Vice-President Joe Biden is by far our best candidate for the Presidency of these United States.

As I go to my text, Exodus 14:21, it’s amazing what God can do! Israel had been in Egypt over four hundred years. They had cried unto God to get them out of slavery. After years, God had a godly man that could give leadership for this situation and circumstances: Moses!

Greater Concord MBC and Facebook friends, I want us to know that God does not operate without purpose. Everything He does has good reason and justification behind it. The electing of Donald J. Trump as President of these United States of America was for a reason. Many did not know how wicked America was until Trump was elected President. Crime, crooks and criminals came out of the woodworks. Many went to prison; many are still pending. America, like Israel, needs a leader that can encourage the people, that we can get out of Egypt. The Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill, God’s man, is saying to Whites, Blacks,Latino and others that God specializes in the impossible(s) of life. He can do what no other man can do. So don’t allow anything to sidetrack you. All saved individuals, born-again believers, righteous individuals, know that we cannot allow our country to be destroyed by a crazy, pathetic individual. God has led us to the Red Sea and I know that there are perils at the Red Sea; but our plea at the Red Sea should be: make a way out of no way!

America should be tired of lies, crooks and deadbeats in the White House. God opened up the Red Sea for Israel and they went across on dry land. He has opened up a way for us to get out of this mess. Have some common sense and allow wisdom to lead us. Vote for Joe Biden!

God has said to me, speak unto America and tell them to go forward. I know things look impossible, but our God does impossible things. God said unto Moses,” lift up thy rod and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it. (Exodus 14:16) Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night.” God will blow!

Rise up America! Let us give God some praise by removing this cancer from the White House. I’ve got to let it out now! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Donald J. Trump needs to know that God is God. He needs to know November 3rd that God doesn’t like mess; ungodliness. Our nation, our children need Godly leadership. Church, Christians, we must clean up this mess. America can be delivered! O praise His Holy Name. “The children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left.” (Exodus 14:29) “By faith they passed through the Red Sea. Water was stacked up on either side as a wall. It was not easy to descend to the sea bed and walk across. However, they put their faith in God and walked across the sea bed, in spite of the frightening circumstances. To vote is our God-given duty, to remove President Donald J. Trump. God is still taking off the chariot wheels of wickedness in opposition to Him. I know some are saying the GOP’s war chest is powerful, but I want us to know that our God is all power. He specializes in things that are impossible. We are at our Red Sea! But faith in God has always worked. God delivered Daniel from the den of lions. He walked around in the fiery furnace with the Hebrew boys, He delivered Peter from the jail house; Paul and Silas walked out at midnight. America, God wants to deliver America. On our currency is: “In God We Trust”. The election should already be over. There should not be one individual that is an American who doesn’t want our country to continue to be a democracy.

Facebook friends, share this sermon with all your friends, put it on your story page. Make it go viral. God’s man has spoken. America, go forward, it’s the right thing to do.

Rev. Dr. Cullian W. Hill, Pastor


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