Dr. Hill's 37th Pastoral Appreciation Guest:

Dr. James H. Cokley, Cherry Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Conway, SC
President of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education

The Portrait of A Preacher

Romans 1:1

There was a time when people would sit and have their portraits painted, Before technology invaded society. When we look at our text, we discover that Paul paints a picture in the minds of the Romans as to who he is and what he is. He uses the portrait as a means to introduce himself and also paints a picture of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Paul tells us 4 things about himself:1. He is saved. He became a brand new creature and transformed from Saul to Paul. You can't preach the gospel of Jesus Christ if you are to saved. It doesn't matter how much we tell the world about Jesus Christ until they accept Him for themselves. You've got to know Him for yourself. Until you get to know Him, you can't serve Him.

2. Paul is a slave to Jesus Christ. A doulos for the kyrios. Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives, He is in charge. We want to be in charge of our own lives until hell breaks out and then turn to God. You can't be schizophrenic! Jesus paid it all on Calvary and we are indebted to Him.

 3. Paul is set apart. God made us and not we ourselves. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. When God breathes on us a second time, we are cleansed and set apart. Anointed! Every preacher of God has been set apart and anointed to spread the Word of God.

 4. Paul has been sent. Called to be an apostle means to be sent. Called for the purpose of God. Sent to the world, that the world may know what God wants them to know, good news. Sent as a witness to tell you about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Trust God and Lean Not to your own understanding.